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Philippe Parrot
Avaleur d'idées, Tricoteur de mots, Agenceur de rimes !
Mais aussi, Traqueur d'émois et d'échappées...
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click on its title in bold. Happy reading.
A man on the roads, wandering… Looking for what?
Poem 471: On the road to Errachidia
What to hope for at the end of the road, beyond the horizon?
Go far to cut the bridges!
A no man's land between two banks, conducive to all dreams ...
Through experiences and travels, find your way!
When the thirst for the Absolute leads to a dead end.
Poem 20: On the road to oneself
Leave, in search of plenitude and wisdom!
Pour écouter, sur YouTube, les deux poèmes ci-dessous, cliquez sur les images.

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