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Philippe parrot

Eater of ideas, Knitter of words, Planner of rhymes!

But also, Tracker of emotions and escapes ...

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Born in 1950, after having stayed in Australia and then obtained a degree in philosophy in Paris, Philippe Parrot left to teach this discipline in Africa. Back in France, he worked in several professions: commercial at the CAF in Paris, manager of a nursing practice, director of a retirement home and, finally, trainer.

These multiple activities have never prevented him from developing his taste for writing, blackening pages and pages. In 2008, after two years of rewriting a manuscript that had remained in a drawer: "this is the time it took me to make a first draft into a real novel.  »He admits, Philippe Parrot publishes Venus has two faces. Struck by the ambiguity of the feeling of love that a man and a woman experience sooner or later in their life, shared between the person with whom they live and the one with whom they would like to live, Philippe Parrot has turned this eternal dilemma into a dreamlike tale. . His hero, Nino Lanzani, constantly sails between reason and unreason, torn between the love he has for Hannah, anchored in the real world, and the love he has for Nelly, anchored in the world of dreams. Until the day he will have to make a choice ...

This novel, barely finished, the idea of writing a text that counterbalances an overly ethereal vision of the world, leads it to publish in 2010 S COM HOM, a collection of five short stories deliberately rooted in reality, in what it can be sublime but also distressing. Carried away by crazy passions put at the service of ambition, desire, sacrifice, power and love  :  Paul, the unscrupulous ambitious; Lo, the abused stripper; Noémie, the mystical tightrope walker; Akmair, the zealous revolutionary; finally, the Stranger and the Blue Man confronted with an inevitable separation, all these characters reveal the facets of human nature torn between nobility and violence of feelings.

One quickly understands, on reading Venus has two faces and S COM HOM, that the contradictions of the human condition are at the center of this author's concerns. He admits to wanting to share his questions by seeking to touch the hearts and minds of readers. "I write so that my characters last beyond my mundane existence, leaving behind a reflection and an emotion in each one".

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