Philippe Parrot
Avaleur d'idées, Tricoteur de mots, Agenceur de rimes !
Mais aussi, Traqueur d'émois et d'échappées...
Pour lire, en fichier PDF, le poème de votre choix, veuillez cliquer sur son titre en blanc.
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Bonne lecture à vous !
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To read the poem of your choice in Pdf file, please
click on its title in bold. Happy reading.
Poem 33: She says no, but ... - 170214
The first time ! When the spirit refuses itself although the body gives itself
Poem 86: Made to love! - 100415
Desire nothing other than to love and be loved!
Poem 115: Pleasures of a Woman - 180815
Solitary pleasures in the alcove
Poem 205: Sweet awakening of a woman - 130916
Warm under the sheets, in the privacy of your room
Poem 212: Unforgettable male love - 071016
A fleeting passion between two men, a summer Sunday
Poem 285: Girl in the Bath - 150817
When she first discovers pleasure
Poem 377: Crazy Horse Dancer - 070419
When in doubt, give up desire
Poem 415: That was a long time ago - 050120
A summer love, between two women
Poem 423: Love's Banana - 010320
How I love to "eat" you!