Eater of ideas, Knitter of words, Planner of rhymes!
But also, Tracker of emotions and escapes ...
To read the poem of your choice in Pdf file, please
click on its title in bold. Happy reading.
Poem 18: Belle Iroquois - 211212
A love story that makes you lose your mind
Avatars of a woman, in search of freedom and fulfillment
Poem 30: Enchanting visions - 281113
In the madness of our dreams how many delirious illuminations!
Poem 50: Reflections and Enchantments - 140814
Beyond mirror games, beyond appearances, an apparition
Poem 82: An angel passes by - 210315
When the smile of an angel gives hope
Poem 112: Dreamy Mermaid - 070815
To a bewitching mermaid slipped into my dreams
Poem 150: Dreamlike wanderings in Neverland - 150116
A delirious text-river, reserved for the only fools
Poem 153: Vertigo of loneliness - 050216
In solitude, close to the world to open up to infinity!
Poem 162: The virgin and the devil - 080316
An encounter with unforeseeable consequences
Poem 164: Little Prince - 150316
Happy who crossed his Little Prince!
A faithful and silent companion
Poem 179: In Alice's Country - 060516
Strange world where everything ends in "isse"
Poem 184: The dragonfly - 070616
Loves of a dragonfly with a homunculus
Poem 193: Sublime apparition - 020816
An eodyssey in the middle of the sands… Mirage or reality?
Poem 195: The Lily and the Bee - 090816
A flower in love with a too fickle insect
Poem 200: A life backwards through the seasons - 260816
Live your life by going back in time, through the seasons
Poem 210: Cyclops in love - 300916
Caught in a cyclone, a cyclops lets itself be carried away. But why ?
Poem 218: The Red Balloon - 281016
The wanderings of a child in the Paris of the 1950s
Poem 230: From rooster to donkey - 231216
When the poet plays with words like life plays with us
Poem 235: Reflections and play of light - 100117
Sometimes reality turns into a magical atmosphere
Poem 240: Chaos of Things and Words - 270117
Wanderings of the mind when reason is powerless to stop it.
Poem 271: Scheherazade - 270617
The Thousand and One Nights, enchantresses, of Sultan Shahryar!
Poem 275: Return to the Battlefield - 110717
A strange way to come full circle with a bleeding heart
Poem 281: Soul on a Journey - 010817
Go swiftly towards many elsewhere
Poem 286: Dream of an old fool - 180817
A short and vain dreamlike journey
A bite-me-the-knot fantasy tale
Poem 290: Encounter of the Third Kind - 010917
When a genius comes along to feed our dreams
Poem 291: But, are you drunk or what? - 050917
To love to get drunk in order to get rid of it. Words against evils.
Poem 293: Monsieur Lessecret - 120917
When a man without qualities dares to confess his fault
Poem 297: Ghost Train Journey - 011017
A poet trapped on a trip to hell!
Poem 300: The Dove, the Bear and the Crow - 151017
A story of beasts where the shadow of a sinister bird hovers
Poem 320: The eagle and the lovers - 040318
Two lovers, a raptor and, above them, the Aether
Poem 321: The squirrel and the end of the world - 110318
A bitter squirrel, disappointed with men
Poem 335: The Mermaid and the Sailors - 170618
A mermaid, devouring missing sailors
Poem 346: The star and the tightrope walker - 020918
A tightrope walker madly in love with a star
Poem 358: Circus of Beyond - 251118
A strange marquee, haunted by a ghost
Poem 370: Thoughts in spin… - 1702119
A text made of odds and ends that has neither tail nor head
Poem 373: Being a comet - 100319
Metamorphose into a star to go far
Poem 380: A Blow in the Wing - 280419
Long live the delusions of the mind, liberators of anguish
Poem 387: Two spiders - 160619
A story with two battinging tarantulas
All the boxes, but none in the right place
Poem 396: The star and the rose - 180819
Too fleeting heavenly loves
Poem 398: Variegated Savannah - 250819
A crazy trip in the African savannah
What do our eyes see that Reason cannot see?