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Philippe parrot

Eater of ideas, Knitter of words, Planner of rhymes!

But also, Chaser of emotions and Tracker of escape ...

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P-à-t 4: The sea - In Homage to Francis Ponge

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P-à-t 9: What a sinister anteroom!

Shameless Life Wisdom SendoffPatches
00:00 / 04:20

Background music, royalty-free, found on Free Music Archive YouTube

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Poubelle-à-textes 60.jpg

My last two "Trash-to-texts"!

Note : Regarding my "haiku-quatrain", contrary to what good usage would require in terms of versification, I have deliberately chosen to count the number of syllables by considering only the formal structure of each word, regardless of its place and of its pronunciation in the verse. Ignoring, therefore, the rule of silent "e", I take them all into consideration, whether they are placed in front of a vowel or not, at the end of a line or not ...

Such a bias will undoubtedly shock the purists, but it pleased me to break this sacrosanct rule to substitute for it another, admittedly questionable, but which suited my frame of mind and the idea better. that I made myself of a restrictive framework likely to free my creativity.

Philippe parrot

For better readability of the texts, click on each image to enlarge!

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