Haiku , a term created by Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902), is a highly codified form of poetic expression invented by the Japanese poet Bashõ Matsuo (1644-1694). It is an extremely concise text which aims to celebrate the evanescence of beings and the beauty of the “Cosmos” through the evocation of the seasons, these cycles, sources of emotions, which pass and amaze us. Traditionally built on the basis of 17 mores in three segments 5-7-5, it is calligraphed on a single vertical line or on three and must necessarily insert a hyphenation in the form of punctuation (end of the first verse) or word (in the second verse) in order to better highlight two distinct images.
Introduced in the West at the beginning of the 20th century, Western authors have transposed Japanese haiku in the form of a tercet of 3 verses of 5, 7 and 5 syllables, i.e. a total of 17 syllables, profoundly modifying its essence since one of our syllables can contain up to three mores.
The haiku must describe reality less than highlight the detachment of the author as well as the fleeting incongruity of things. It must encourage reflection by contenting itself with suggesting in order to confront the reader with an inconsistency or an opposition, always destabilizing, capable of stimulating his imagination. It is for this reason that the "I" is often absent from the utterance.
That said, my haikus presented on this site are all built on the basis of 17 syllables in 3 lines (5-7-5) and a hyphenation, without referring to the seasons in a systematic way.
Philippe parrot
Important Note : Contrary to common versification usage, I have deliberately chosen to count the number of syllables considering only the formal structure of each word, regardless of its place and pronunciation in the verse. Ignoring, therefore, the rule of "e »Dumb, I take them all into consideration, whether they are placed in front of a vowel or not, at the end of the line or not ...
Such a bias will undoubtedly shock the purists, but it pleased me to break this sacrosanct rule to substitute for it another, admittedly questionable, but which suited my frame of mind and the idea better. that I made myself of a restrictive framework likely to free my creativity.
Example : haiku 517 of 07/08/2018
Ô-clair-de-lu-ne. (5 syllables)
Your-beau-té-op-por-tu-ne (7 syllables)
Kill-our-ran-cu-nes. (5 syllables)

Portrait of Matsuo Bashō (1644/1694) by Yosa Buson