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Philippe Parrot
Avaleur d'idées, Tricoteur de mots, Agenceur de rimes !
Mais aussi, Traqueur d'émois et d'échappées...
Pour lire, en fichier PDF, le poème de votre choix, veuillez cliquer sur son titre en blanc.
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Bonne lecture à vous !
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To read the poem of your choice in Pdf file, please
click on its title in bold. Happy reading.
Poem 44: A life in itself - 200614
Homage to you, Ladies, so women and mothers at the same time.
Poem 99: Mothers of Soldiers - 120615
Tribute to those who give life to those who give death ...
Poem 125: Women on the beach - 220915
Mother and daughter, facing the ocean, one last time ...
Poem 152: Warm against her breast - 020216
Hide this breast that I cannot see!
Poem 202: Birth and promises - 020916
Holding her baby against her breast, a pledge of the future and projects.
A fragile young woman, tossed about in the wind ...
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