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Philippe Parrot

Avaleur d'idées, Tricoteur de mots, Agenceur de rimes !

Mais aussi, Traqueur d'émois et d'échappées...

NIGHT (dreams and sleep)


To read the poem of your choice in Pdf file, please

click on its title in bold. Happy reading.

Poem 7: Magic bubble - 040312

Words trapped in a circle. As an invitation to sleep

Poem 27: Den - 260813

A room where a stranger likes to come to rest

Poem 96: Organza dress - 190515

Fall in love with a woman in an organza dress


Poem 102: Dreamlike love - 260615

Dreaming about making love together, body and soul in unison


Poem 105: Midnight Bath - 140715

A naked woman, free and lonely, by a lake


Poem 140: Chimeric Undine - 011215

A dream woman at the bottom of a lake. Chimera!


Poem 145: Divagations - 181215

A dreamlike journey that leads to a woman and an eagle


Poem 146: Insomnia - 231215

Insomnia and here is a chimera arises, invites to love


Poem 147: Torturing Demon - 301215

Tapped by a demon, haunted by a muse, so inspiration is born.


Poem 175: There is in my jail - 220416

A benevolent muse in her prison


Poem 199: Crazy Horse - 230816

Naked dancers, dressed only in lights.


Poem 230: From rooster to donkey - 231216

When the poet plays with words like life plays with us


Poem 234: First Fruits of Sleep - 060117

A woman between wakefulness and sleep. A bizarre and magical time at the same time


Poem 238: Grand Duke - 200117

Nocturnal raptor, he waits for the night to go hunting


Poem 240: Chaos of Things and Words - 270117

Wanderings of the mind when reason cannot curb the imagination.


Poem 297: Ghost Train Journey - 011017

A poet trapped on a trip to hell


Poem 303: Bewitching Chimera - 051117

In the midst of visions, a sublime apparition


Poem 344: By full moon - 190818

An acrostic in homage to the full moon


Poem 360: Say, what is the sea? - 091218

The sea, through the eyes of a dreamer


Poem 370: Thoughts in spin… - 1702119

A text and dreams that have neither tail nor head


Poem 373: Being a comet - 100319

Metamorphose into a star to go far


Poem 380: A Blow in the Wing - 280419

Long live the delusions of the mind, liberators of anguish


Poem 387: Two spiders - 160619

A story without a tail or a head of battinging tarantulas


Poem 397: Bulky ghost - 220819

Heavy night visits


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Bonne lecture à vous !

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