Philippe Parrot
Avaleur d'idées, Tricoteur de mots, Agenceur de rimes !
Mais aussi, Traqueur d'émois et d'échappées...
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click on its title in bold. Happy reading.
P oem 55: Diving into the stormy abyss - 190914
When barbarism advances masked, all dressed in black
Poem 56: Alone, facing the executioner - 260914
While waiting for the passage, the knife on the throat ...
Poem 66: I am Charlie - 090115
A tribute to scorching laughter and iconoclastic thought.
Poem 121: Once upon a time in Palmyra - 090915
A destroyed ancient city, a beheaded scholar ...
Poem 137: Bullets at the Bataclan - 201115
In tribute to the victims of the Bataclan attack, cowardly murdered ...
Poem 139: To Lola Ouzounian, our tender thoughts - 271115
In memory of Lola, 17, killed at the Bataclan on Friday, November 13, 2015 ...
Poem 325: Colonel Beltrame - 080418
In tribute to Colonel Beltrame, assassinated in the Super U of Trèbes, on 03/23/2018.
Why then so much hatred, cruelty and blindness?
Poem 439: George Floyd - I can't breathe - 280620
Death by strangulation, in the middle of the street ...
Poem 3: The eagle and the child - 100112
When two destinies intersect in the heart of Africa, from life to death ...
When barbarism rages on both sides.
Poem 92: The Deserter - 290415
Such a brief love in the midst of ruins and war ...
Poem 99: Mothers of Soldiers - 120615
Tribute to those who give life to those who give death ...
Poem 118: To love each other despite the war - 280815
What if Jews and Arabs ceased to be enemies?
The end of a siege, the start of a deportation and the start of exiles ...
Poem 237: Returns to Guernica - 170117
When a tearful mother returns to Guernica, where her son died under the bombs.
Poem 275: Return to the Battlefield - 110717
A very strange way to come full circle with a truly bled heart!
Poem 332: Bois Belleau - 270518
In tribute to the victory of the American troops in June 1918, in the Aisne.
Poem 352: Dirty warrior! - 141018
Soldiers on some battlefields!
Poem 368: Wars of religion - 030219
When God himself remains totally appalled, bitter and resigned ...
Poem 378: Broken mouth, lost soul - 140419
The fears of a soldier at the moment of going into battle.
In homage to the "Poilus", on the occasion of Monday, November 11, 2019
Poem 103: Murdered Childhood - 300615
Such a fatal walk in the forest ...
Poem 108: Fatal incest - 240715
When family silence leads to suicide ...
A nightmarish journey and a childhood that ends on the shore ...
Poem 123: To His Failed Dreams - 150915
Our minds have failed, his body has failed ...
Poem 154: Remember Me! - 090216
In tribute to a journalist, executed in October 2015!
Poem 302: Pre-trial detention - 291017
Young and alone, immersed in the prison world ...
Such a gentle and faithful horse, led straight to the slaughterhouse ...
Poem 365: Marianne, Order and Liberty - 130119
Our muse of the Republic, faced with his insoluble dilemma ...
Contemporary poem 392: Feminicides - 210719
When a woman, in fear, lives with a monster!