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Haïku n°998 101221 a.jpg
Haïku n°999 111221.jpg
Haïku n°1000 121221.jpg

Above my last three haikus 2021

Contrary to what common versification practice would require, I have deliberately chosen to count the number of syllables considering only the formal structure of each word, regardless of its place and pronunciation in the verse. Ignoring, therefore, the rule of silent "e", I take them all into consideration, whether they are placed in front of a vowel or not, at the end of a line or not ...

Such a bias will undoubtedly shock the purists, but it pleased me to break this sacrosanct rule to substitute for it another, admittedly questionable, but which suited my frame of mind and the idea better. that I made myself of a restrictive framework likely to free my creativity.

Example : haiku 517 of 07/08/2018

Ô-clair-de-lu-ne.  (5 syllables)

Your-beau-té-op-por-tu-ne  (7 syllables)

Kill-our-ran-cu-nes.  (5 syllables)

Nota Bene : You have to know when to stop. Eager to stop writing haikus, the 1000th published, I will therefore put an end to this activity at the end of 2021. If, of course, existence does not thwart my plans! Because, these days - coronavirus obliges and "little old people" in its sights - it is a possibility that must be considered.


So I still have, to this day, 26 haikus to write ...

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